- The Fibonacci retracement is the potential retracement of a financial asset's original move in price. Fibonacci retracements use horizontal lines to indicate areas of support or resistance at the key Fibonacci levels before it continues in the original direction.
- 29/01/2016
- Released.
- Days To Show - Defines how many days will be plotted.
- Shift (Hours) - Shifts levels by hours.
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using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo.Indicators
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AutoRescale = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class DailyFiboRetracement : Indicator
[Parameter("Days To Show", DefaultValue = 5)]
public int DaysToShow { get; set; }
[Parameter("Shift (Hours)", DefaultValue = 0)]
public int ShiftInHours { get; set; }
private MarketSeries daily;
protected override void Initialize()
daily = MarketData.GetSeries(TimeFrame.Daily);
public override void Calculate(int index)
for (int i = 0; i < DaysToShow; i++)
DateTime startOfDay = daily.OpenTime.Last(i).Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(ShiftInHours);
DateTime endOfDay = startOfDay.AddDays(1);
var dailyHigh = daily.High.Last(i);
var dailyLow = daily.Low.Last(i);
var fib618n = dailyLow - (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;
var fib382 = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.382;
var fib500 = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.5;
var fib618 = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;
var fib1618 = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;
ChartObjects.DrawLine("-61.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib618n, endOfDay, fib618n, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("0.0%" + i, startOfDay, dailyHigh, endOfDay, dailyHigh, Colors.Gray, 1);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("38.2%" + i, startOfDay, fib382, endOfDay, fib382, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("50.0%" + i, startOfDay, fib500, endOfDay, fib500, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("61.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib618, endOfDay, fib618, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("100.0%" + i, startOfDay, dailyLow, endOfDay, dailyLow, Colors.Gray, 1);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("161.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib1618, endOfDay, fib1618, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
Joined on 31.08.2015
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: DailyFiboRetracement.algo
- Rating: 4.17
- Installs: 7377
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:55
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