Category Trend  Published on 02/05/2024

BEST MACD & EMA Trading Strategy | NoCoding |with AlgoBuilderX

An update for this algorithm is currently pending moderation. Please revisit this page shortly to access the algorithm's latest version.


The CBOT you've created employs a sophisticated combination of indicators and strategies to optimize your trading operations. By integrating the MACD indicator, the Exponential Moving Average (EMA), a spread filter, and robust risk management, your CBOT offers a comprehensive and customizable approach through the Ctarder platform.

For buy operations, the CBOT triggers when the MACD signal is below zero and the candle closing is above the EMA. Additionally, it checks that the highest price of the last 10 candles is higher than the highest price of candles from 11 to 21, ensuring a strong and reliable entry signal.

For sell operations, the CBOT triggers when the MACD signal is above zero and the candle closing is below the EMA. Once again, it verifies that the lowest price of the last ten candles is lower than the lowest price of candles from 11 to 21, providing a consistent signal to enter the market.

With this strategy, the CBOT aims to maximize profits while simultaneously reducing risk through well-defined parameters and rigorous controls.

If you want to buy the .algo and .abx of this cBot CLICK HERE
If you would like to try AlgoBuilderX: CLICK HERE

To create the cBot I invite you to watch this video I made on youtube: 


Please note that this is only an example and the cBot has not been optimised, I recommend you test it first in Demo 


The author decided to hide the source code.

Joined on 26.01.2024

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: MACD-GRID.algo
  • Rating: 0
  • Installs: 564
  • Modified: 02/05/2024 13:49
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