Category Other  Published on 23/10/2023

cTrader cBot Strategy Builder (beta)

An update for this algorithm is currently pending moderation. Please revisit this page shortly to access the algorithm's latest version.


Generate a multitude of cTrader algorithmic trading strategies without the need for coding expertise, this free beta version incorporates a blend of various moving averages. The Algo Strategy Builder is a robust utility that empowers traders to design, assess, and implement personalized algorithmic trading strategies grounded in technical analysis, employing all the key moving averages. Additionally, it can be utilized for transmitting trade signals.




The author decided to hide the source code.
ClickAlgo's avatar

Joined on 05.02.2015

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Algo Builder.algo
  • Rating: 0
  • Installs: 794
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drkhashix's avatar
drkhashix · 7 months ago

Why do you love SMA so much?

ClickAlgo's avatar
ClickAlgo · 8 months ago

There is a user guide: Read the user guide

Columbu's avatar
Columbu · 8 months ago

Please help how to use


ClickAlgo's avatar
ClickAlgo · 8 months ago

Thanks, for the feedback Jim. :-)

jim.tollan · 8 months ago

what an excellent concept. this is something I do all the time in other walks of life (strategy builders/rules editors for business processes). Hadn't thought about it in terms of cTrader, but definitely makes good sense to have something that allows you to quickly pull up a quick foundation for a rule.

well done and excellent contribution.