Warning! This section will be deprecated on February 1st 2025. Please move all your cBots to the cTrader Store catalogue.
Telegram: @orglobalng
Tested with the following Parameters:
Symbol: XAUUSD
Entry Time: 19:00
Timeframe: 1H
//Telegram: @orglobalng
// Tested with the following Parameters:
// Symbol: XAUUSD
// Time: 19:00
// Timeframe: 1H
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.WCentralAfricaStandardTime, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class OFX_CBOT_202303060144_XAUUSD_H1_DOUBLESSL : Robot
[Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 2)]
public double Volume { get; set; }
[Parameter("Length Main", DefaultValue = 80)]
public int LengthMain { get; set; }
[Parameter("LengthBase", DefaultValue = 200)]
public int LengthBase { get; set; }
[Parameter("Entry Time Hour", DefaultValue = 19)]
public int EntryTimeHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("Entry Time Minute", DefaultValue = 00)]
public int EntryTimeMin { get; set; }
[Parameter("MA Type", DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.WilderSmoothing)]
public MovingAverageType MAType { get; set; }
[Parameter("Instance Name", DefaultValue = "OrglobalFxSSL")]
public string InstanceName { get; set; }
// Breakeven parameters
[Parameter("Include Break-Even", DefaultValue = true, Group = "Protection")]
public bool IncludeBreakEven { get; set; }
[Parameter("Trail after Break-Even", DefaultValue = true, Group = "Protection")]
public bool Includetrail { get; set; }
public SSLChannel SSLBase, SSLMain;
public AverageTrueRange _atr;
public double StopLossInPips, BreakEvenPips, trailingstoppips, TakeProfitInPips, BreakEvenExtraPips;
protected override void OnStart()
SSLBase = Indicators.GetIndicator<SSLChannel>(LengthBase, MAType);
SSLMain = Indicators.GetIndicator<SSLChannel>(LengthMain, MAType);
InstanceName = InstanceName + "_" + SymbolName;
_atr = Indicators.AverageTrueRange(30, MovingAverageType.Simple);
protected override void OnBar()
TakeProfitInPips = Math.Round((_atr.Result.LastValue / Symbol.PipSize), 0);
var SSLMainsslupper = Math.Max(SSLMain._sslUp.Last(1), SSLMain._sslDown.Last(1));
var SSLMainssllower = Math.Min(SSLMain._sslUp.Last(1), SSLMain._sslDown.Last(1));
var SSLBasesslupper = Math.Max(SSLBase._sslUp.Last(1), SSLBase._sslDown.Last(1));
var SSLBasessllower = Math.Min(SSLBase._sslUp.Last(1), SSLBase._sslDown.Last(1));
var price = Bars.ClosePrices;
if (SSLMainssllower>SSLBasesslupper )
if (price.Last(1) > SSLMainsslupper )
Open(TradeType.Buy, InstanceName);
else if
if (price.Last(1) < SSLMainssllower)
Open(TradeType.Sell, InstanceName);
if (price.Last(1) > SSLMainsslupper)
Close(TradeType.Sell, InstanceName);
if (price.Last(1) < SSLMainssllower)
Close(TradeType.Buy, InstanceName);
//Breakeven Function Usecase
if (IncludeBreakEven)
private void Close(TradeType tradeType, string Label)
foreach (var position in Positions.FindAll(Label, SymbolName, tradeType))
private void Open(TradeType tradeType, string Label)
var position = Positions.Find(Label, SymbolName);
if (position == null && Server.Time.Hour == EntryTimeHour && Server.Time.Minute == EntryTimeMin)
ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, SymbolName, Volume/2, InstanceName, null, null);
ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, SymbolName, Volume / 2, InstanceName, null, TakeProfitInPips);
#region Break Even
// code from clickalgo.com
private void BreakEvenAdjustment()
var positn = Positions.Find(InstanceName, SymbolName);
var allPositions = Positions.FindAll(InstanceName, SymbolName);
foreach (Position position in allPositions)
var entryPrice = position.EntryPrice;
var distance = position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? Symbol.Bid - entryPrice : entryPrice - Symbol.Ask;
BreakEvenPips = Math.Round((_atr.Result.LastValue / Symbol.PipSize), 0);
trailingstoppips = BreakEvenPips * 5;
BreakEvenExtraPips = BreakEvenPips / 2;
// move stop loss to break even plus and additional (x) pips
if (distance >= BreakEvenPips * Symbol.PipSize)
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
if (position.StopLoss <= position.EntryPrice + (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips) || position.StopLoss == null)
// && position.Pips >= trailingstoppips)
if (Includetrail)
//ModifyPosition(position, position.EntryPrice);
position.ModifyStopLossPrice(position.EntryPrice + (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips));
Print("Stop Loss to Break Even set for BUY position {0}", position.Id);
if (position.Pips >= trailingstoppips)
else if (!Includetrail)
//ModifyPosition(position, position.EntryPrice + (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips), position.TakeProfit);
position.ModifyStopLossPrice(position.EntryPrice + (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips));
Print("Stop Loss to Break Even set for BUY position {0}", position.Id);
if (position.StopLoss >= position.EntryPrice - (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips) || position.StopLoss == null)
// && position.Pips >= trailingstoppips)
if (Includetrail)
ModifyPosition(position, entryPrice - (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips), position.TakeProfit);
Print("Stop Loss to Break Even set for SELL position {0}", position.Id);
if (position.Pips >= trailingstoppips)
else if (!Includetrail)
ModifyPosition(position, entryPrice - (Symbol.PipSize * BreakEvenExtraPips), position.TakeProfit);
Print("Stop Loss to Break Even set for SELL position {0}", position.Id);
Joined on 03.03.2021
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: OFX_CBOT_202303060144_XAUUSD_H1_DOUBLESSL.algo
- Rating: 0
- Installs: 964
- Modified: 29/05/2023 08:30
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It performs really well in the present market but fails in the past. I think you overfitting with the optimization as same as some of my cbot.
May you try to get it to have a self-learning and self-training function, maybe it could help
Btw, your idea when combining 2x SSL is brilliance