NOW FREE AND THE ORIGINAL FILE CAN NOW BE DOWNLOADED..... With as low as $1000, $500, $250, you can spin up the bot. It sure works on lower account size if you're willing to cope with lower trade size. It also keep a keen eye on Equity and Balance drawdown with multiple stoploss protection.
Backtest And See for yourself..
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class NewcBot : Robot
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double Parameter { get; set; }
protected override void OnStart()
// Put your initialization logic here
protected override void OnTick()
Print("contact +2347017438389 on whatsapp for enquiries");
protected override void OnStop()
// Put your deinitialization logic here
Joined on 26.01.2021
- Distribution: Paid
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: New cBot.algo
- Rating: 2.5
- Installs: 1192
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
Download now updated, you can get the actual file right away.
Thank you.
Yes, you are advertising on ctrader, and trying to sell a PAID product. Truth is it's NOT FREE, as advertised. You can keep thinking that this is free :), but rest of us know it's NOT FREE.
Good luck with collecting Whatsapp numbers :)
A guy from Germany is currently using it, it's by choice not by force.
@CT Good, it's by choice, there are other bots in Ctrader, you can download any and use. am not cajoling you to download the bot.
@ seller
Question) Can I run this on Demo or Live after download?
Answer is NO
Question) Why does a seller wants to collect Whatsapp numbers? If seller wants to give free, he should make it available to download for FREE, so everyone can use it. Why seller wants a private chat and hassle himself?
Answer) This tells everything about a seller
@CT Good, Yes! am a Nigerian.
Bot for other currency pair a now available, contact me on whatsapp for screenshot/demonstration.
it's free, check the instruction in the description.
the instruction is contact me on whatsapp so i can send it to you directly via private chat and you also have the opportunity to ask me any question regarding it.
Are you from Nigeria?
Description says FREE, but truth is: IT'S NOT FREE. Lying in the first place tells everything about seller.
I was under the impression the word 'FREE' means 'no money involved'. So why is this bot not free as advertised?
@echonnie... Am sorry for the inconvenience. I don't have a demo version for the bot, but if you want a live display of the backtesting you can reach me on WhatsApp where I can give you a screen recording of any backtesting you want. Thanks.
I tried to download it but cannot run the bot and backtest it... How do I proceed with that?
If you want a screen recording on the backtesting, just request on WhatsApp with the number in the screenshot.
@boonmecarlton2 what's the mypascoconnect all about?
It has been back tested on a $100 account size and the result and drawdown are quite considerable
That number works on WhatsApp as well..
It’s a community-driven intuitive that covers most of the issues and provides Economic Self Sufficiency. We will talk about how to make an Account with MyAccessFlorida and how to log in to gain access.