Category Other  Published on 31/03/2021



Run this tool and click on the chart price you want to set as a stop loss and an entry order with a stop loss will be sent.


 Other tools can be downloaded from Gumroad. (for free)


using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System;

//      ClickEntry
namespace cAlgo.Robots {
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ClickEntry : Robot {
        // --- min lots
        [Parameter("Min Lots", DefaultValue = 0.01, MinValue = 0.01, Step = 0.1)]
        public double MinLots { get; set; }

        // --- max lots
        [Parameter("Max Lots", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 0.01, Step = 0.1)]
        public double MaxLots { get; set; }

        // --- risk%
        [Parameter("Risk Percnet", DefaultValue = 0.5, MinValue = 0.001, MaxValue = 20, Step = 0.1)]
        public double RiskPercent { get; set; }

        // --- risk amount
        [Parameter("Risk Amount", DefaultValue = 1000, MinValue = 1,  Step = 0.5)]
        public double RiskAmount { get; set; }

        // --- RRR
        [Parameter("Risk Reward Ratio", DefaultValue = 2, MinValue = 0.01)]
        public double RiskRewardRatio { get; set; }

        // OnStart
        protected override void OnStart() {
            var sltpSetter = new ClickEntrySupport(Chart, RiskRewardRatio);
            sltpSetter.Fixed += (obj, args) => Order(args.StopLoss, args.TakeProfit);

        // order
        private void Order(double stopPrice, double limitPrice) {
            TradeType tt = (stopPrice < limitPrice ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell);
            var price = (tt == TradeType.Buy ? Ask : Bid);
            var digit = (int)(Math.Log10(Symbol.PipSize) - Math.Log10(Symbol.TickSize));
            var stopPips = Math.Round(Math.Abs(price - stopPrice) / Symbol.PipSize, digit);
            var limitPips = Math.Round(Math.Abs(price - limitPrice) / Symbol.PipSize, digit);

            // --- calc volume
            var permitalbleLoss = Math.Min((Account.Balance) * RiskPercent / 100, RiskAmount);
            var volume = permitalbleLoss / stopPips / Symbol.PipValue;
            volume = Symbol.NormalizeVolumeInUnits(volume);
            if (volume < Symbol.QuantityToVolumeInUnits(MinLots)) volume = Symbol.QuantityToVolumeInUnits(MinLots);
            if (volume > Symbol.QuantityToVolumeInUnits(MaxLots)) volume = Symbol.QuantityToVolumeInUnits(MaxLots);

            // --- order
            var res = ExecuteMarketOrder(tt, SymbolName, volume, ToString(), stopPips, limitPips);
            if (!res.IsSuccessful) {

            // --- stop
    // ClickEntrySupport
    //  for decide SL and TP at intaractive
    internal class ClickEntrySupport :IDisposable {
        public event EventHandler<PriceFixecEventArgs> Fixed;
        public double RiskRewardRatio { get; set; }

        private Point _mouseDown = new Point(0, 0);
        private ChartHorizontalLine _stopLine;
        private ChartHorizontalLine _limitLine;
        private const string STOP_LINE_NAME = "EasyEntryStopLine";
        private const string LIMIT_LINE_NAME = "EasyEntryLimitLine";
        private Chart _chart;

        public ClickEntrySupport(Chart chart, double riskRewardRatio) {
            RiskRewardRatio = riskRewardRatio;
            _chart = chart;

            _stopLine = _chart.DrawHorizontalLine(STOP_LINE_NAME, 0, Color.Red, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
            _limitLine = _chart.DrawHorizontalLine(LIMIT_LINE_NAME, 0, Color.Green, 1, LineStyle.Dots);
            _chart.MouseMove += OnMove;
            _chart.MouseDown += OnDown;
            _chart.MouseUp += OnUp;

        // Dispose
        public void Dispose() {
            _chart.MouseUp -= OnUp;
            _chart.MouseDown -= OnDown;
            _chart.MouseMove -= OnMove;

        // for event
        private void OnUp(ChartMouseEventArgs args) {
            if (_mouseDown == new Point(args.MouseX, args.MouseY)) {
                Fixed(this, new PriceFixecEventArgs(_stopLine.Y, _limitLine.Y));
        private void OnDown(ChartMouseEventArgs args) {
            _mouseDown = new Point(args.MouseX, args.MouseY);
        private void OnMove(ChartMouseEventArgs args) {
            _stopLine.Y = args.YValue;
            var bid = _chart.Bars.LastBar.Close;
            _limitLine.Y = bid + (bid - args.YValue) * RiskRewardRatio;
    // EventArgs
    internal class PriceFixecEventArgs : EventArgs {
        public double StopLoss, TakeProfit;
        public PriceFixecEventArgs(double sl, double tp) { StopLoss = sl; TakeProfit = tp; }

ajinori's avatar

Joined on 06.10.2020

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: ClickEntry.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 1611
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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kenpavlov111 · 6 months ago

doesn't work on Mac( error

petrosbinwise · 7 months ago

Hello. Installed. Thank you. Everything is clear, my colleagues and I like it. The only thing that is not clear is what is meant with the following: There is a Risk Percent line and there is a Risk Amount line. The first is clear that I set the risk percentage, and in the second case I need to set the amount in dollars, and what amount should I set? The amount that I have in total on deposit and the % of risk will be calculated from the Risk Amount?

petrosbinwise · 7 months ago

Привет. Установил. Спасибо. Всё чётко, мне и коллегам нравится. Единственное не понятно что имеется ввиду следующее: 

Есть строка Risk Percent и есть строка Risk Amount.  Первое это понятно что я устанавлию процент риска, а вот второе там нужно указывать сумму в долларах, а что за сумму нужно указывать? Так которая у меня в общем на депозите и риск % будет высчитывать из Risk Amount? 

nablagames · 1 year ago

I am using it, but the bot doesn't calculate the total amount considering the commissions.


For example: I want to risk 100$ and the bot put 2 lots. If I have 5$ for each lot (in+out), I will risk 110$, but I always want 100$ in total.

Can you fix it? thanks

Omega · 2 years ago

Thanks for this, a quick question about the risk amount, where do we get this number from?


Does this tool not work out the volume automatically?

ocristaodewallstreet · 2 years ago

thank you brother, God bless you !!

CnicholasdownieLive's avatar
CnicholasdownieLive · 3 years ago