Hello Traders and FX aficionados
Based on multiple request comming over my website ( ) , regarding the source code and how the MEDIAN_MULTI robot works (first published on ) , I have decided to publish it with code.
You can referr to the results on , as well as for settings to be used.
Just e few bulletpoints:
EURUSD, going from 10k $ to more than 300k $
EURGBP, going from 10 k $ to more than 50k $
GBPUSD, going from 10k $ to more than 76k $
Due to the fact that robot should be thoroughly tested and understood, I have put a safeguard into the robot to allow it to work only in backtest mode. ( if (!IsBacktesting) Stop(); )
If you want to use it in Demo just change the line to ( if (Account.IsLive) Stop(); )
If you like my work and want to support or request any changes , you can go on and buy any of the product(s).
Have Fun and enjoy your time trading
Oltion Bregu
//// ////
//// Name : Median_Multi ////
//// Dated : 26-May-16 ////
//// ver : 8.1 ////
//// Updated : 04-Mar-17 ////
//// Copyright: Oltion Bregu ////
//// ////
//// If you like my work and want to support, you can go on ////
//// and buy one of the product(s) ////
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Resources;
namespace cAlgo
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
public class Median_MULTI : Robot
#region Parametra_Publike
[Parameter("Komenti", DefaultValue = "Dhelpra")]
public string StrategyName { get; set; }
// [Parameter("Lejo Trading", DefaultValue = true)]
// public bool LTrading { get; set; }
[Parameter("Volume Fix", DefaultValue = 10000, MinValue = 1)]
public int VolFix { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Ord Total", DefaultValue = 20, MinValue = 0)]
public int MaxOrdTotal { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Ord Buy", DefaultValue = 20, MinValue = 0)]
public int MaxOrdBuy { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Ord Sell", DefaultValue = 20, MinValue = 0)]
public int MaxOrdSell { get; set; }
[Parameter("Def SL", DefaultValue = 200, MinValue = 0)]
public int DefSL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Def TP", DefaultValue = 200, MinValue = 0)]
public int DefTP { get; set; }
[Parameter("Target Win NET", DefaultValue = 200, MinValue = 0)]
public int TargetWinNet { get; set; }
[Parameter("Target Win Pct", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 0)]
public double TargetWinPCt { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Loss Pct", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 0)]
public double MaxLossPCt { get; set; }
[Parameter("Buy/Sell Single max Loss", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 0)]
public double BSMaxLoss { get; set; }
[Parameter("Buy/Sell Single max Win", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 0)]
public double BSMaxWin { get; set; }
[Parameter("Step", DefaultValue = 20, MinValue = 0)]
public int Step { get; set; }
[Parameter("PIP Win", DefaultValue = 20, MinValue = 0)]
public int PipWin { get; set; }
[Parameter("K", DefaultValue = 1.001, MinValue = 0)]
public double Koeficenti { get; set; }
[Parameter("MA Period", DefaultValue = 7)]
public int FMA_Period { get; set; }
#region Parametra_Private
private int Order_Hapur_Total;
private int Order_Hapur_Buy;
private int Order_Hapur_Sell;
private double PastHourOpen;
private double PastHourClose;
private double PastHourHigh;
private double PastHourLow;
private double PastCandlePips;
private double DifHighLow;
private double DifOpenClose;
private double PctBodyAll;
private double RatioEB;
private double TargetRatio;
private bool OKOpenOrders;
private MovingAverage Fast_MA;
protected override void OnStart()
DateTime stopdate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10);
if (Server.Time.Date >= stopdate)
if (!IsBacktesting)
Fast_MA = Indicators.MovingAverage(MarketSeries.Close, FMA_Period, MovingAverageType.Simple);
Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "");
Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "");
protected override void OnTick()
#region Hap_Order_nqs_no_order
if (Positions.FindAll(StrategyName, Symbol, TradeType.Sell).Length == 0)
// if (Fast_MA.Result.IsFalling())
ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, VolFix, StrategyName, DefSL, DefTP, 0, StrategyName);
if (Positions.FindAll(StrategyName, Symbol, TradeType.Buy).Length == 0)
// if (Fast_MA.Result.IsRising())
ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, VolFix, StrategyName, DefSL, DefTP, 0, StrategyName);
double NetWL = 0;
double BuyNetWL = 0;
double SellNetWL = 0;
var POZHap = Positions.FindAll(StrategyName);
foreach (var POZ1 in POZHap)
NetWL = NetWL + POZ1.NetProfit;
if (POZ1.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
BuyNetWL = BuyNetWL + POZ1.NetProfit;
if (POZ1.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
SellNetWL = SellNetWL + POZ1.NetProfit;
RatioEB = Account.Equity / Account.Balance;
TargetRatio = 1 + TargetWinPCt / 100;
double TargetWin = 0;
double MaxLoss = 0;
TargetWin = (TargetWinPCt * Account.Balance) / (100 * Math.Pow(Koeficenti, Order_Hapur_Total));
MaxLoss = MaxLossPCt * Account.Balance / 100;
double BSLoss = 0;
BSLoss = BSMaxLoss * Account.Balance / 100;
double BSWin = 0;
BSWin = BSMaxWin * Account.Balance / 100;
if (NetWL > TargetWin || NetWL < (-MaxLoss) || NetWL > TargetWinNet)
foreach (var POZ2 in POZHap)
if (POZ2 != null)
if (BuyNetWL < (-BSLoss) || BuyNetWL > BSWin)
foreach (var POZ3 in POZHap)
if (POZ3 != null && POZ3.TradeType == TradeType.Buy && POZ3.NetProfit < 0)
if (SellNetWL < (-BSLoss) || SellNetWL > BSWin)
foreach (var POZ4 in POZHap)
if (POZ4 != null && POZ4.TradeType == TradeType.Sell && POZ4.NetProfit < 0)
#region kontrollo_order_hapur
OKOpenOrders = false;
Order_Hapur_Total = 0;
Order_Hapur_Buy = 0;
Order_Hapur_Sell = 0;
Order_Hapur_Total = Positions.FindAll(StrategyName, Symbol).Length;
Order_Hapur_Buy = Positions.FindAll(StrategyName, Symbol, TradeType.Buy).Length;
Order_Hapur_Sell = Positions.FindAll(StrategyName, Symbol, TradeType.Sell).Length;
if (Order_Hapur_Total < MaxOrdTotal)
OKOpenOrders = true;
double LastBuyPrice = 0;
double LastSellPrice = 0;
double AVGBuy = 0;
double AVGSell = 0;
DateTime LastBuyTime = new DateTime(2000, 10, 10);
DateTime LastSellTime = new DateTime(2000, 10, 10);
foreach (var PozicionHapur in Positions)
if (PozicionHapur != null && PozicionHapur.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code && PozicionHapur.Comment == StrategyName)
if (PozicionHapur.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
var temptimebuy = PozicionHapur.EntryTime;
if (temptimebuy > LastBuyTime)
LastBuyTime = temptimebuy;
LastBuyPrice = PozicionHapur.EntryPrice;
AVGBuy = PozicionHapur.EntryPrice + AVGBuy;
if (PozicionHapur.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
var temptimesell = PozicionHapur.EntryTime;
if (temptimesell > LastSellTime)
LastSellTime = temptimesell;
LastSellPrice = PozicionHapur.EntryPrice;
AVGSell = PozicionHapur.EntryPrice + AVGSell;
if (Order_Hapur_Buy > 0)
AVGBuy = AVGBuy / Order_Hapur_Buy;
if (Order_Hapur_Sell > 0)
AVGSell = AVGSell / Order_Hapur_Sell;
var SellTP = AVGSell - PipWin * Symbol.PipSize;
//var SellTP = LastSellPrice + (Math.Abs(LastSellPrice - AVGSell) / Math.Pow(Koeficenti, Order_Hapur_Sell));
foreach (var POZ5 in POZHap)
if (POZ5 != null && POZ5.TradeType == TradeType.Sell && AVGSell > 0 && Symbol.Bid > AVGSell && SellTP != POZ5.TakeProfit)
ModifyPosition(POZ5, POZ5.StopLoss, SellTP);
var BuyTP = AVGBuy + PipWin * Symbol.PipSize;
//var BuyTP = LastBuyPrice - (Math.Abs(AVGBuy - LastBuyPrice) / Math.Pow(Koeficenti, Order_Hapur_Buy));
foreach (var POZ6 in POZHap)
if (POZ6 != null && POZ6.TradeType == TradeType.Buy && AVGBuy > 0 && Symbol.Ask < AVGBuy && BuyTP != POZ6.TakeProfit)
ModifyPosition(POZ6, POZ6.StopLoss, BuyTP);
#region gjej_vlerat_e_nevojshme
PastHourOpen = MarketSeries.Open.Last(1);
PastHourClose = MarketSeries.Close.Last(1);
PastHourHigh = MarketSeries.High.Last(1);
PastHourLow = MarketSeries.Low.Last(1);
DifHighLow = Math.Abs(PastHourHigh - PastHourLow);
DifOpenClose = Math.Abs(PastHourOpen - PastHourClose);
PctBodyAll = DifOpenClose / DifHighLow;
PastCandlePips = DifOpenClose / Symbol.PipSize;
#region Last_Buy_Sell_entry
var OKtoBuy = false;
var OKtoSell = false;
// || Symbol.Ask > LastBuyPrice + Step * Symbol.PipSize ||
// && Fast_MA.Result.IsRising()
if ((Symbol.Ask < LastBuyPrice - Step * Symbol.PipSize) && Order_Hapur_Buy < MaxOrdBuy)
OKtoBuy = true;
// || Symbol.Bid < LastSellPrice - Step * Symbol.PipSize ||
//&& Fast_MA.Result.IsFalling()
if ((Symbol.Bid > LastSellPrice + Step * Symbol.PipSize) && Order_Hapur_Sell < MaxOrdSell)
OKtoSell = true;
#region vendos_order
if (OKOpenOrders)
if (OKtoSell)
var LotSell = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(VolFix * Math.Pow(Koeficenti, Order_Hapur_Sell), RoundingMode.ToNearest);
var result1 = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, LotSell, StrategyName, DefSL, DefTP, 0, StrategyName);
if (result1.IsSuccessful)
var position1 = result1.Position;
Print("Position Entry price is {0}", position1.EntryPrice);
Print("Totali i Order eshte{0}", Order_Hapur_Total);
Print("Totali i Order Buy eshte {0}", Order_Hapur_Buy);
Print("Totali i Order Sell eshte {0}", Order_Hapur_Sell);
Print("Account Margin eshte {0}", Account.MarginLevel);
if (OKtoBuy)
var LotBuy = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(VolFix * Math.Pow(Koeficenti, Order_Hapur_Buy), RoundingMode.ToNearest);
var result2 = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, LotBuy, StrategyName, DefSL, DefTP, 0, StrategyName);
if (result2.IsSuccessful)
var position2 = result2.Position;
Print("Position Entry price is {0}", position2.EntryPrice);
Print("Totali i Order Hapur {0}", Order_Hapur_Total);
Print("Totali i Order Buy eshte {0}", Order_Hapur_Buy);
Print("Totali i Order Sell eshte {0}", Order_Hapur_Sell);
Print("Account Margin eshte {0}", Account.MarginLevel);
protected override void OnStop()
// Put your deinitialization logic here
Joined on 29.12.2015
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Median_MULTI.algo
- Rating: 0
- Installs: 2920
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
I would not suggest anybody use a robot in LIVE account without first:
1. Understanding very throughly what the robot does.
2. What the robots risks are.
3. What part of your account can the robot lose, 0-100%.
If you are sure on all of the above, you can use the robot on any type of account, the code is there.
Just remove the protection
This link "" cannot open.
Can I use it in live account ?
Thank you.
Hi, I think this is a great code, however I am wondering if anyone could add a script that calculates the margin used so during backtesting it won’t open a position if the margin isn’t available. Thankyou.