Warning! This section will be deprecated on February 1st 2025. Please move all your cBots to the cTrader Store catalogue.
This Expert Advisor [Trust_Trader] activated to Auto Trader on Matingale Algorithm
Refer of Only Margin Required Indicator.
And Support Optional Function:
Manually Set Trading Buy or Sell Stop Order for News Event Time Big Fluctuation.
Parameter Description:
- TrustTrader: is same as MagicNumber
- FirstLot: is First Order Lots(Second incliment Matingale Algorithm)
- MaxLot: is Maximum Order Lots(Second incliment Matingale Algorithm)
- LotStep: is LotStep Start Pips
- Stop_Loss: is StopLoss Pips
- TakeProfit: is Profit Pips
- Tral_Start: is Trail Start Pipis
- Tral_Stop: is Trail Stop Pips
- Market_Range: is Margin of Order (different Broker's)
- PipStep: is Matingale Algorithm Pips
- MaxOrders: is Maxmum Order on Trading
- FridaySummary: if true on Friday Night(Saturday Morning) closing Open Position before stop trading
- AutoCloseStartHour: is above function start hour
- AutoCloseStartMin: is above function start hour
- AutoOpenStartHour: if FridaySummary=true, ReOpen day of hour
- AutoOpenStartMin: if FridaySummary=true, ReOpen day of hour
- OpNewsTimePositionClose:if true on News Time, Manual Trade(Send StopOrder)
- NewsTimeHour: if OpNewsTimePositionClose set NewTime Start Hour
- NewsTimeMin: if OpNewsTimePositionClose set NewTime Start Min
- AsStopBuyNum: if >0 then send Buy Stop Order Auto
- AsStopSellNum: if >0 then send Sell Stop Order Auto
- AsUnitLots: Above Stop Order Lots target volume is AsStopBuyNum * AsUnitLots
- AsOrderOpenTimeHour: is News Order Open Hour
- AsOrederOpenTimeMin: is News Order Open Min
- AsOrderCloseTimeHour: is News Order Close Hour
- AsOrederCloseTimeMin: is News Order Close Hour
- AsEntryDistancePips: is News Order price position distance(Pips)
- AsStopLossPips: is News Order StopLoss
- AsProfitPips: is News Order Profit
- RiskControl: if true management Risk Control
- NewOrderPercent: is News Order Limit Margin
- StopedBalancePercent: is Order Stop Percent
- Target_Pair: is Target Pair as like MagicNumber
By Matios member of FXPlan
// --------------------------------------
// Trust Trader
// Copyright: Copyright 2015, FXPlan
// Link: https://www.facebook.com/FOREX-Free-EA-Evaluation-1081254308571646/
// Date: 25/12/2015
// Version: 1.0
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
// [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class Trust_Trader : Robot
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0)]
public int TrustTrader { get; set; }
[Parameter("AutoTradeSettings", DefaultValue = "*Set Order Info*")]
public string AutoTradeSettings { get; set; }
[Parameter("FirstLot", DefaultValue = 5000, MinValue = 1000, MaxValue = 10000)]
public int FirstLot { get; set; }
[Parameter("MaxLot", DefaultValue = 10000, MinValue = 5000, MaxValue = 100000)]
public int MaxLot { get; set; }
[Parameter("LotStep", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000)]
public int LotStep { get; set; }
[Parameter("Stop_Loss", DefaultValue = 50, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 200)]
public int Stop_Loss { get; set; }
[Parameter("Take_Profit", DefaultValue = 60, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 300)]
public int TakeProfit { get; set; }
[Parameter("Tral_Start", DefaultValue = 50, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 300)]
public int Tral_Start { get; set; }
[Parameter("Tral_Stop", DefaultValue = 50, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 300)]
public int Tral_Stop { get; set; }
[Parameter("Market_Range", DefaultValue = 3, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 50)]
public int Market_Range { get; set; }
[Parameter("PipStep", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000)]
public int PipStep { get; set; }
[Parameter("MaxOrders", DefaultValue = 1, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 50)]
public int MaxOrders { get; set; }
// For Auto trade time setting option
[Parameter("OptionMarketControl", DefaultValue = "*Set Trade Time Option*")]
public string OptionFridaySummary { get; set; }
[Parameter("LocalTimeZone", DefaultValue = 9, MinValue = -12, MaxValue = 12)]
public int LocalTimeZone { get; set; }
[Parameter("FridaySummary", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool FridaySummary { get; set; }
// If AutoTradeCloseTradeOp = True is need preset stop time
[Parameter("AutoCloseStartHour", DefaultValue = 4, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 23)]
public int AutoCloseStartHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("AutoCloseStartMin", DefaultValue = 30, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 59)]
public int AutoCloseStartMin { get; set; }
[Parameter("AutoOpenStartHour", DefaultValue = 9, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 23)]
public int AutoOpenStartHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("AutoOpenStartMin", DefaultValue = 0, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 59)]
public int AutoOpenStartMin { get; set; }
[Parameter("OpNewsTimePositionClose", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool OpNewsTimePositionClose { get; set; }
////////// NewsTime After 5Min Automachic Restart normal auto trading
[Parameter("NewsTimeHour", DefaultValue = 22, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 23)]
public int NewsTimeHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("NewsTimeMin", DefaultValue = 30, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 59)]
public int NewsTimeMin { get; set; }
// For Preset StopLimit Order option when the time in Economical News
[Parameter("OptionStopLimitOrder", DefaultValue = "*Set PlaceOrder Option*")]
public string OptionStopLimitOrder { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsStopBuyNum", DefaultValue = 0, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 10)]
public int AsStopBuyNum { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsStopSellNum", DefaultValue = 0, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 10)]
public int AsStopSellNum { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsUnitLots", DefaultValue = 1000, MinValue = 1000, MaxValue = 100000)]
public double AsUnitLots { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsOrderOpenTimeHour", DefaultValue = 22, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 23)]
public int AsOrderOpenTimeHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsOrederOpenTimeMin", DefaultValue = 30, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 59)]
public int AsOrederOpenTimeMin { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsOrderCloseTimeHour", DefaultValue = 22, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 23)]
public int AsOrderCloseTimeHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsOrederCloseTimeMin", DefaultValue = 35, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 59)]
public int AsOrederCloseTimeMin { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsEntryDistancePips", DefaultValue = 20.0, MinValue = 10.0, MaxValue = 100.0)]
public double AsEntryDistancePips { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsStopLossPips", DefaultValue = 20.0, MinValue = 10.0, MaxValue = 100.0)]
public double AsStopLossPips { get; set; }
[Parameter("AsProfitPips", DefaultValue = 20.0, MinValue = 10.0, MaxValue = 100.0)]
public double AsProfitPips { get; set; }
// For Risk Management Option
[Parameter("Risk_Setting", DefaultValue = "*Set RiskManage Option*")]
public string Risk_Setting { get; set; }
[Parameter("RiskControl", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool RiskControl { get; set; }
[Parameter("NewOrderPercent", DefaultValue = 30.0, MinValue = 0.0, MaxValue = 100.0)]
public double NewOrderPercent { get; set; }
[Parameter("StopedBalancePercent", DefaultValue = 10.0, MinValue = 0.0, MaxValue = 100.0)]
public double StopedBalancePercent { get; set; }
// For Multi Currency Chart
[Parameter("Target_PairSetting", DefaultValue = "*Set Target Pair Mark*")]
public string Target_PairSetting { get; set; }
// private string botLabel; <--- public parameter Target_Pair(same as Magic Number)
[Parameter("Target_Pair", DefaultValue = "Trust@EURUSD")]
public string Target_Pair { get; set; }
// Additional variable
private DateTime AutoClosingTimeZone;
private DateTime AutoOpenTimeZone;
private DateTime AutoPlaceOrderOpenTimeZone;
private DateTime AutoPlaceOrderCloseTimeZone;
private DateTime AutoNewsTimeCloseTimeZone;
private DateTime AutoNewsTimeOpenTimeZone;
private DateTime OnCurrenttimeZone;
private DateTime OnCurrentLocaltimeZone;
private DateTime LastDaytimeZone;
private bool TodayFriday = false;
private bool TodayMonday = false;
private Position position;
private string RobotStatus;
private string botLabel;
private int TryCount = 0;
private int MaxTryCount = 1000;
private bool TimeCheck = false;
private bool PlaceOrderOpen = false;
private bool PlaceOrderClose = false;
// if debug true output log
private bool debug = true;
private double TotalAmount = 0.0;
private int LimitLots = 0;
private int OrderRetryCount = 0;
private TradeResult StopBuyTradeResult = null;
private TradeResult StopSellTradeResult = null;
private bool NewsTimeOption = false;
int BuyStopOrderID = 0;
int SellStopOrderID = 0;
string ymes_Title = "\n *";
string ymes_RobotStatus = "\n\n ";
string ymes_NewOrder = "\n\n\n ";
string ymes_ModifyOrder = "\n\n\n\n ";
protected override void OnStart()
RobotStatus = "Running";
botLabel = Target_Pair;
TodayFriday = false;
TodayMonday = false;
NewsTimeOption = false;
// Set Label(Same of Symble:Target Currency Pair)
TryCount = 0;
// ChartObjects.RemoveAllObjects();
Print("in OnStart Event--->");
Print("Trust Trader awakening...");
Print("+++++Friday Weekend Los&Profit Position Closed Setttings**************************************************");
Print("@@@FridaySummary:" + FridaySummary.ToString() + " @AutoCloseStartHour:" + AutoCloseStartHour.ToString() + " @AutoCloseStartMin:" + AutoCloseStartMin.ToString());
Print("+++++Every Day can auto.manual set StopOrder setting Time when News Report Time Effection++++++++++++++++++");
Print("@@@AsStopSellNum:" + AsStopSellNum + "@AsStopBuyNum:" + AsStopBuyNum);
Print("@@@AsOrderOpenTimeHour:" + AsOrderOpenTimeHour.ToString() + " @AutoCloseStartMin" + AsOrederOpenTimeMin.ToString() + " @AsOrderCloseTimeHour:" + AsOrderCloseTimeHour.ToString() + " @AsOrederCloseTimeMin:" + AsOrederCloseTimeMin.ToString());
Print("@@@AsUnitLots:" + AsUnitLots.ToString() + " @AsEntryDistancePips:" + AsEntryDistancePips.ToString() + "@AsStopLossPips:" + AsStopLossPips.ToString() + " @AsProfitPips" + AsProfitPips.ToString());
Print("@@@AsStopSellNum:" + AsStopSellNum + " @AsStopBuyNum:" + AsStopBuyNum);
Print("+++++Risk Management Parameter.............................................................................");
Print("@@@RiskControl:" + RiskControl.ToString() + " @NewOrderPercent:" + NewOrderPercent.ToString() + " @StopedBalancePercent" + StopedBalancePercent.ToString());
Print("+++++Current Accoung Information*************************************************************************");
Print("Account.FreeMargin:", Account.FreeMargin.ToString());
Print("Account.Balance:" + Account.Balance.ToString());
Print("Account.Margin:" + Account.Margin.ToString());
Print("Account.Equity:" + Account.Equity.ToString());
Print("Account.MarginLevel:" + Account.MarginLevel.ToString());
Print("Account.Currency:" + Account.Currency.ToString());
Print("Account.Leverage:" + Account.Leverage);
Print("*******************Start Trust Trader Logic**************************");
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, AsOrderOpenTimeHour + LocalTimeZone, AsOrederOpenTimeMin, 0);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoPlaceOrderOpenTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder;
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, AsOrderCloseTimeHour + LocalTimeZone, AsOrederCloseTimeMin, 0);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoPlaceOrderCloseTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder;
PlaceOrderOpen = true;
PlaceOrderClose = false;
OnCurrenttimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZone);
LastDaytimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZone);
// Optional Time setting
if (RiskControl)
double LoscutLimit = (Account.Balance + Account.Margin) / StopedBalancePercent;
LoscutLimit = ToHalfAdjust(LoscutLimit, 2);
Print("LosCut Order Percent:" + LoscutLimit.ToString());
double MaxOrderLimit = (FirstLot * Account.Leverage * NewOrderPercent / 1000000);
MaxOrderLimit = ToHalfAdjust(MaxOrderLimit, 2);
Print("Max Order Limit:" + MaxOrderLimit.ToString());
ChartObjects.DrawText("optionarea", "Trust Trader:" + botLabel + "\n " + "---------- OptionParameters -----------" + "\n Option Friday Auto Closed Open Position:" + FridaySummary.ToString() + "\n Next Friday will close Time:" + AutoClosingTimeZone.ToString() + " Next Monday will open Time:" + AutoOpenTimeZone.ToString() + "\n News Time Auto Closed All Open Position :" + OpNewsTimePositionClose.ToString() + "\n News Time:" + AutoNewsTimeCloseTimeZone.ToString() + "After Open Time:" + AutoNewsTimeOpenTimeZone.ToString() + "\n Buy StopLimitOrder:" + AsStopBuyNum.ToString() + " Sell StopLimitOrder:" + AsStopSellNum.ToString() + "\n" + " Order Entry Time:" + AutoPlaceOrderOpenTimeZone.ToString() + " Order Filled Time:" + AutoPlaceOrderCloseTimeZone.ToString(), StaticPosition.BottomRight, Colors.White);
// Positions.Opened += OnPositionOpened;
if (debug)
Print("OnStart---->Starting Trust_Trader:" + botLabel);
// ****************************************************************************************************************************
// +++++Title Output Chart Area +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Output Title Line
ChartObjects.DrawText("TitleLine", ymes_Title + "Trust Trader Activated " + botLabel + TimeZoneInfo.Local, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Aquamarine);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Running:" + botLabel + " Time:" + DateTime.Now, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.CadetBlue);
// ***************************************************************************************************************************
protected override void OnStop()
if (debug)
Print("in OnStop-->Trust Robot is Stoped:" + "(" + RobotStatus + ")");
ChartObjects.DrawText("TitleLine", ymes_Title + "" + botLabel, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("TitleLine", ymes_Title + "Trust_Trader" + botLabel + "(" + RobotStatus + ")" + "was Stoped", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
protected override void OnTick()
double Bid = Symbol.Bid;
double Ask = Symbol.Ask;
double Point = Symbol.TickSize;
int TempAllCount = 0;
int MylabelPositionCount = 0;
int IndexPosition = 0;
if (debug)
Print("In OnTick--->RobotStatus = " + RobotStatus);
if (RobotStatus == "Stoped")
if (RobotStatus == "Closing")
// Friday Close & Monday Open Time Calculate & set
// Auto Trade Stoped Option
// Pass the preset closing time ?
OnCurrenttimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZone);
if (RobotStatus != "Pausing")
if (PlaceOrderClose)
if (OnCurrenttimeZone >= AutoPlaceOrderCloseTimeZone)
PlaceOrderClose = false;
// Close Current Open Position
// Fixed Profit Order Closed
// Maximum DrawDown Los Prder Closed
// But if small amount Loss Order is remaind
BuyStopOrderID = 0;
SellStopOrderID = 0;
if (AsStopBuyNum > 0 || AsStopSellNum > 0)
PlaceOrderOpen = true;
TryCount = 0;
if (PlaceOrderOpen)
if (OnCurrenttimeZone >= AutoPlaceOrderOpenTimeZone)
BuyStopOrderID = 0;
SellStopOrderID = 0;
PlaceOrderOpen = false;
PlaceOrderOpen = true;
// if TimeCheck false ... Next Pass through
if (TimeCheck && TodayFriday)
// Check the AutoTrade Pause Time Zone Now
if (OnCurrenttimeZone > AutoClosingTimeZone)
RobotStatus = "Closing";
/// Position Closed & Take Profit(Fixed) on Friday
Print("in OnTick-->Trust Trader is Pausing");
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Open Position Closed:" + botLabel + " Time:" + DateTime.Now, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
RobotStatus = "Pausing";
TryCount = 0;
// End of Open time Step
// End of TimeCheck
// This Option is Only One Time, if finished none this option
if (!NewsTimeOption)
if (OpNewsTimePositionClose)
if (OnCurrenttimeZone >= AutoNewsTimeCloseTimeZone)
RobotStatus = "Closing";
// All Open Position Closed
RobotStatus = "Pausing";
if (OnCurrenttimeZone >= AutoNewsTimeOpenTimeZone)
RobotStatus = "Running";
NewsTimeOption = true;
if (TimeCheck)
// Check the AutoTrade Opene Time Zone Now on Monday
if (OnCurrenttimeZone > AutoOpenTimeZone)
RobotStatus = "Running";
TryCount = 0;
// End of Open time Step
// End of TimeCheck
// Not AutoTradePauseOption(Status not Pausing / NewsTime) is Normal Patern
if (RobotStatus == "Running")
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Running:" + botLabel + " Time:" + DateTime.Now, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.CadetBlue);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
else if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Waiting of Market Open:" + botLabel + " Time:" + DateTime.Now, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
else if (RobotStatus == "Pausing" || RobotStatus == "NewsTime")
// *********************************************************************************//
// Normal Trade Function Continued
// *********************************************************************************//
TempAllCount = Positions.Count;
if (debug)
Print("in OnTick-->AllPositionCount:" + TempAllCount);
if (TempAllCount > 0)
foreach (var position in Positions)
if (position.Label == botLabel)
if (MylabelPositionCount == 0)
if (RiskControl && !RightTradeNow(FirstLot, NewOrderPercent))
bool orderOK = false;
LimitLots = FirstLot;
for (int OrderRetryCount = 1; OrderRetryCount < 10; OrderRetryCount++)
if (LimitLots <= 1000)
LimitLots = LimitLots - 1000;
// First Order Control
orderOK = true;
if (!orderOK)
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
Print("RiskManagement on Not Enough Money Robot Stoped");
// First Order Contro
// Second(Next) Order Control
if (RobotStatus == "Stoped")
// Start Buy Position
// if (Positions == null)
// return;
for (IndexPosition = 0; IndexPosition < MylabelPositionCount; IndexPosition++)
if (Positions[IndexPosition] == null)
if (Positions[IndexPosition].TradeType == TradeType.Buy && Positions[IndexPosition].Label == botLabel)
if (Bid - GetAveragePrice(TradeType.Buy, Positions[IndexPosition].Label) >= Tral_Start * Point)
if (Bid - Tral_Stop * Point >= Positions[IndexPosition].StopLoss)
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "Modify Current BuyOrder:" + botLabel + "StopLoss:" + (Bid - Tral_Stop * Point).ToString() + " Profit:" + (Positions[IndexPosition].TakeProfit).ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
// public TradeOperation ModifyPositionAsync(Position position, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit, [optional] Action callback)
TradeOperation BuyModOpe = ModifyPositionAsync(Positions[IndexPosition], Bid - Tral_Stop * Point, Positions[IndexPosition].TakeProfit);
if (BuyModOpe.IsExecuting)
TryCount = 0;
if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
// Start Sell Position
for (IndexPosition = 0; IndexPosition < MylabelPositionCount; IndexPosition++)
if (Positions[IndexPosition] == null)
if (Positions[IndexPosition].TradeType == TradeType.Sell && Positions[IndexPosition].Label == botLabel)
if (GetAveragePrice(TradeType.Sell, Positions[IndexPosition].Label) - Ask >= Tral_Start * Point)
if (Ask + Tral_Stop * Point <= Positions[IndexPosition].StopLoss || Positions[IndexPosition].StopLoss == 0)
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "Modify Current Buyorder:" + botLabel + "StopLoss:" + (Ask + Tral_Stop * Point).ToString() + " Profit:" + (Positions[IndexPosition].TakeProfit).ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
// public TradeOperation ModifyPositionAsync(Position position, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit, [optional] Action callback)
TradeOperation SellModOpe = ModifyPositionAsync(Positions[IndexPosition], Ask + Tral_Stop * Point, Positions[IndexPosition].TakeProfit);
if (SellModOpe.IsExecuting)
TryCount = 0;
if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
protected override void OnError(Error CodeOfError)
if (debug)
Print("in OnError Event-->" + CodeOfError.Code);
if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.NoMoney)
if (debug)
RobotStatus = "Running";
if (OrderRetryCount > 0 && OrderRetryCount < 10)
RobotStatus = "Running";
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
Print("ERROR!!! No money for order open, robot is stopped!");
else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.BadVolume)
// RobotStatus = "Stoped";
// retry because if position same value is error occoured
if (TryCount > MaxTryCount)
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
Print("ERROR!!! Bad volume for order open, robot is stopped!");
RobotStatus = "running";
else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.TechnicalError)
// RobotStatus = "Stoped";
// retry because if position same value or server not waiting is error(TechnicalError) occoured
if (TryCount > MaxTryCount)
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
Print("ERROR!!! TechnicalError, robot is stopped!");
RobotStatus = "running";
else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.MarketClosed)
// RobotStatus = "Stoped";
// retry because if matketclose time in, waiting marekt open
if (TryCount > MaxTryCount)
Print("ERROR!!! Market Closed, robot is waiting Market Open time!");
Print("Count of Try:", TryCount);
if (RobotStatus != "Stoped")
if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
if (debug)
Print("Now Market Closed can't Auto Trading...");
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + " ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Waiting Market Open, local time:" + DateTime.Now, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
RobotStatus = "MarketOpenWaiting";
TryCount = 0;
else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.Timeout)
// RobotStatus = "Stoped";
// retry because if position same value or server not response is error(Timeout) occoured
if (TryCount > MaxTryCount)
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
Print("ERROR!!! TechnicalError, robot is stopped!");
RobotStatus = "Running";
if (RobotStatus == "Stoped")
Print("Error happend Robot is stopped!");
private void SendFirstOrder(int OrderVolume)
int Signal = GetStdIlanSignal();
double? dStopLoss = 0.0;
double? dProfit = 0.0;
double? dMarket_Range = 0.0;
dStopLoss = Stop_Loss;
dProfit = TakeProfit;
dMarket_Range = Market_Range;
if (debug)
Print("is SendFirstOrder Event->Status" + RobotStatus + " Volume:" + OrderVolume.ToString());
if (OrderVolume <= 0)
if (!(Signal < 0))
switch (Signal)
case 0:
if (debug)
Print("SendFirstOrder---->Symble: " + Symbol + "---botLabel: " + botLabel);
// public TradeResult ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, string label, double? stopLossPips, double? takeProfitPips, double? marketRangePips, string comment)
TradeResult ResultBuy = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, OrderVolume, botLabel, dStopLoss, dProfit, dMarket_Range, botLabel);
if (ResultBuy.IsSuccessful)
TryCount = 0;
Print("SendFirstOrderBuy Lots:" + OrderVolume);
ChartObjects.DrawText("orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "Send First Order Buy(" + ResultBuy.Position.Id.ToString() + ")" + " Lots:" + OrderVolume, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
else if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
case 1:
if (debug)
Print("SendFirstOrder---->Symble: " + Symbol + "---botLabel: " + botLabel);
// public TradeResult ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, string label, double? stopLossPips, double? takeProfitPips, double? marketRangePips, string comment)
TradeResult ResultSell = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, OrderVolume, botLabel, dStopLoss, dProfit, dMarket_Range, botLabel);
if (ResultSell.IsSuccessful)
TryCount = 0;
Print("SendFirstOrderSell Lots:" + OrderVolume);
ChartObjects.DrawText("orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "Send First Order Sell(" + ResultSell.Position.Id.ToString() + ")" + " Lots:" + OrderVolume, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
else if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
private void OnPositionOpened(PositionOpenedEventArgs args)
double? StopLossPrice = 0.0;
double? TakeProfitPrice = 0.0;
if (Positions.Count == 1)
position = args.Position;
if (position.Label == botLabel)
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
TakeProfitPrice = position.EntryPrice + TakeProfit * Symbol.TickSize;
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
TakeProfitPrice = position.EntryPrice - TakeProfit * Symbol.TickSize;
switch (GetPositionsSide(position.Label))
case 0:
TakeProfitPrice = GetAveragePrice(TradeType.Buy, position.Label) + TakeProfit * Symbol.TickSize;
case 1:
TakeProfitPrice = GetAveragePrice(TradeType.Sell, position.Label) - TakeProfit * Symbol.TickSize;
for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++)
position = Positions[i];
if (position.Label == botLabel)
if (StopLossPrice != 0.0 || TakeProfitPrice != 0.0)
if (position != null)
// public TradeResult ModifyPosition(Position position, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit)
TradeResult tradeOperateMod = ModifyPosition(position, position.StopLoss, TakeProfitPrice);
if (tradeOperateMod.IsSuccessful)
private double GetAveragePrice(TradeType TypeOfTrade, string TradeLabel)
double Result = Symbol.Bid;
double AveragePrice = 0;
long Count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++)
position = Positions[i];
if (position.TradeType == TypeOfTrade && position.Label == TradeLabel)
AveragePrice += position.EntryPrice * position.Volume;
Count += position.Volume;
if (AveragePrice > 0 && Count > 0 && position.Label == TradeLabel)
Result = AveragePrice / Count;
return Result;
private int GetPositionsSide(string TradeLabel)
int Result = -1;
int i, BuySide = 0, SellSide = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++)
if (Positions[i].TradeType == TradeType.Buy && Positions[i].Label == TradeLabel)
if (Positions[i].TradeType == TradeType.Sell && Positions[i].Label == TradeLabel)
if (BuySide == Positions.Count)
Result = 0;
if (SellSide == Positions.Count)
Result = 1;
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// The gradient variable is a dynamic value that represente an equidistant grid between
/// the high value and the low value of price.
/// </summary>
private void ControlSeries()
int _pipstep, NewVolume, Rem;
int BarCount = 25;
int Del = MaxOrders - 1;
if (PipStep == 0)
_pipstep = GetDynamicPipstep(BarCount, Del);
_pipstep = PipStep;
if (Positions.Count < MaxOrders)
switch (GetPositionsSide(botLabel))
case 0:
if (Symbol.Ask < FindLastPrice(TradeType.Buy, botLabel) - _pipstep * Symbol.TickSize)
NewVolume = Math.DivRem((int)(FirstLot + FirstLot * Positions.Count), LotStep, out Rem) * LotStep;
if (RiskControl && !RightTradeNow(NewVolume, NewOrderPercent))
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
if (!(NewVolume < LotStep))
if (RiskControl == true && RightTradeNow(NewVolume, StopedBalancePercent) == false)
NewVolume = (int)(Account.FreeMargin / (StopedBalancePercent * 1000));
if (NewVolume <= 0)
NewVolume = (FirstLot / 10000);
if (debug)
Print("in ControlSeries-->BuyTrade AddOrder:" + Symbol + "Volume:" + NewVolume);
ChartObjects.DrawText("Orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.Left, Colors.Black);
// public TradeResult ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, string label)
TradeResult NewOrderBuy = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, NewVolume, botLabel);
if (NewOrderBuy.IsSuccessful)
ChartObjects.DrawText("Orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "Buy Order Position Modify(" + NewOrderBuy.Position.Id.ToString() + ")" + " :" + Symbol + "Volume:" + NewVolume, StaticPosition.Left, Colors.White);
TryCount = 0;
if (debug)
Print("in ControlSeries-->New Buy Order:" + NewOrderBuy.Position.Id + ":" + Symbol + ":" + "Volue:" + NewVolume);
else if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
case 1:
if (Symbol.Bid > FindLastPrice(TradeType.Sell, botLabel) + _pipstep * Symbol.TickSize)
NewVolume = Math.DivRem((int)(FirstLot + FirstLot * Positions.Count), LotStep, out Rem) * LotStep;
if (RiskControl && !RightTradeNow(NewVolume, NewOrderPercent))
RobotStatus = "Stoped";
if (!(NewVolume < LotStep))
if (RiskControl == true && RightTradeNow(NewVolume, StopedBalancePercent) == false)
NewVolume = (int)(Account.FreeMargin / (StopedBalancePercent * 1000));
if (NewVolume <= 0)
NewVolume = (FirstLot / 10000);
if (debug)
Print("in ControlSeries-->SellTrade AddOrder:" + Symbol + "Volume:" + NewVolume);
ChartObjects.DrawText("Orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.Left, Colors.Black);
// public TradeResult ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, string label)
TradeResult NewOrderSell = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, NewVolume, botLabel);
if (NewOrderSell.IsSuccessful)
ChartObjects.DrawText("Orderline", ymes_NewOrder + "Sell Order Position Modify(" + NewOrderSell.Position.Id.ToString() + ")" + " :" + Symbol + "Volume:" + NewVolume, StaticPosition.Left, Colors.White);
TryCount = 0;
if (debug)
Print("in ControlSeries-->New Buy Order:" + NewOrderSell.Position.Id + ":" + Symbol + ":" + "Volue:" + NewVolume);
else if (RobotStatus == "MarketOpenWaiting")
TryCount = 0;
// ----- If AutoTradePauseOption =True
///flg = 0: All Position flg = 1: Profit Position & loscutting Position
private void Trust_FixProfit(int flg)
bool CloseFlg = true;
if (debug)
Print("in Trust_FixProfit->" + "flg:" + flg.ToString());
// All Position Closed
if (flg == 0)
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Closing Current All Posion Before News Time Pausing:" + ":" + botLabel + ":" + AutoClosingTimeZone.ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);
ChartObjects.DrawText("OrderLine", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
CloseFlg = false;
foreach (var position in Positions)
if (position.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code && position.Label == botLabel)
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
TradeResult CloseResut = ClosePosition(position);
// Flg=1: Risk Control Position Closed
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Closing Current Posion Fixed Before Weekend Period Pausing:" + ":" + botLabel + ":" + AutoClosingTimeZone.ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);
ChartObjects.DrawText("OrderLine", ymes_NewOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
if (RiskControl)
if (Account.UnrealizedNetProfit > 0)
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Closing All Position:" + botLabel, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);
else if (Account.UnrealizedNetProfit > Account.FreeMargin)
CloseFlg = false;
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + " ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Closing Only Profit Position(Fixed):" + botLabel, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + " ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("StatusLine", ymes_RobotStatus + "Status: Closing All Position:" + botLabel, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);
foreach (var position in Positions)
if (position.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code && position.Label == botLabel)
// Profit Position is force closed(Current Fixed)
if (position.NetProfit > 0.0)
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + position.NetProfit;
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
TradeResult CloseResut = ClosePosition(position);
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + position.NetProfit;
if (!CloseFlg)
double CloseRisk = ((System.Math.Abs(position.NetProfit)) / Account.FreeMargin) * 100;
// --- Only Big Loss Closed
if (CloseRisk > NewOrderPercent)
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
TradeResult CloseResut = ClosePosition(position);
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
TradeResult CloseResut = ClosePosition(position);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Black);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ModifyLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "Current Total Profit : " + TotalAmount.ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Cyan);
private void Trust_StopOrderOpen()
double Bid = Symbol.Bid;
double Ask = Symbol.Ask;
double TargetPrice;
long EntryVolume;
if (RiskControl)
if (!RightTradeNow(AsUnitLots * AsStopBuyNum, NewOrderPercent))
if (!RightTradeNow(AsUnitLots * AsStopSellNum, NewOrderPercent))
Print("in Trust_NewsOrderOpen--->Time:" + DateTime.Now.ToString());
ChartObjects.DrawText("OrderLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "", StaticPosition.Left, Colors.Black);
if (AsStopBuyNum > 0)
TargetPrice = Bid + (AsEntryDistancePips / 1000);
EntryVolume = (long)(AsUnitLots * AsStopBuyNum);
// public TradeResult PlaceStopOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, double targetPrice, string label, double? stopLossPips, double? takeProfitPips, DateTime? expiration, string comment)
StopBuyTradeResult = PlaceStopOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, EntryVolume, TargetPrice, botLabel, AsStopLossPips / 10, AsProfitPips / 10, AutoClosingTimeZone, "BuyStopOrder by TrustTrader");
if (StopBuyTradeResult.ToString() != null)
if (StopBuyTradeResult.PendingOrder.Label == botLabel)
BuyStopOrderID = StopBuyTradeResult.PendingOrder.Id;
// ChartObjects.RemoveObject("OrderLine");
Print("BuyStopOrderID :" + BuyStopOrderID);
ChartObjects.DrawText("OrderLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "Buy Stop Reverse limit Order ID:" + BuyStopOrderID.ToString() + " Volume:" + EntryVolume.ToString(), StaticPosition.Left, Colors.Red);
TargetPrice = Ask - (AsEntryDistancePips / 1000);
EntryVolume = (long)(AsUnitLots * AsStopBuyNum);
// public TradeResult PlaceStopOrder(TradeType tradeType, Symbol symbol, long volume, double targetPrice, string label, double? stopLossPips, double? takeProfitPips, DateTime? expiration, string comment)
StopSellTradeResult = PlaceStopOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, EntryVolume, TargetPrice, botLabel, AsStopLossPips / 10, AsProfitPips / 10, AutoClosingTimeZone, "SellStopOrder by TrustTrader");
if (StopSellTradeResult.ToString() != null)
if (StopSellTradeResult.PendingOrder.Label == botLabel)
SellStopOrderID = StopSellTradeResult.PendingOrder.Id;
// ChartObjects.RemoveObject("OrderLine");
Print("NewsOrderID:" + SellStopOrderID);
ChartObjects.DrawText("OrderLine", ymes_ModifyOrder + "Sell Stop Reverse limit Order ID:" + SellStopOrderID + " Volume:" + EntryVolume.ToString(), StaticPosition.Left, Colors.Red);
private void Trust_StopOrderClose()
Print("in Trust_NewsOrderClose--->Time:" + DateTime.Now.ToString());
bool stat = false;
if (AsStopBuyNum > 0)
if (StopBuyTradeResult.ToString() != null)
if (StopBuyTradeResult.PendingOrder.Id == BuyStopOrderID)
if (StopBuyTradeResult.Position != null)
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
stat = true;
// If Stop Order is not coï¼ntracted yet, Target order pending
// public TradeResult CancelPendingOrder(PendingOrder pendingOrder)
stat = true;
if (stat == true)
BuyStopOrderID = 0;
else if (AsStopSellNum > 0)
if (StopSellTradeResult.ToString() != null)
if (StopSellTradeResult.PendingOrder.Id == BuyStopOrderID)
if (StopSellTradeResult.Position != null)
// public TradeResult ClosePosition(Position position)
stat = true;
// If Stop Order is not coï¼ntracted yet, Target order pending
// public TradeResult CancelPendingOrder(PendingOrder pendingOrder)
stat = true;
if (stat == true)
SellStopOrderID = 0;
// Risk Management Automatically
// If Return false Robot will be Auto Trade Stoped
private bool RightTradeNow(double lots, double risk)
double CalcRisktemp;
double LoscutLimit;
if (debug)
Print("in RightTradeNow--->lots:" + lots.ToString() + " risk:" + risk.ToString());
// if (lots < 0)
// return false;
CalcRisktemp = (lots * Account.Leverage * risk / 10000000);
CalcRisktemp = ToHalfAdjust(CalcRisktemp, 2);
if (debug)
Print("Account.FreeMargin:", Account.FreeMargin.ToString());
Print("Current Order Margin :" + CalcRisktemp.ToString());
Print("Account.Balance:" + Account.Balance.ToString());
Print("Account.Margin:" + Account.Margin.ToString());
// public IAccount Account{ get; }
// public IAccount Account{ get; }
if (Account.FreeMargin < CalcRisktemp)
Print("It's Not Enough Money Robot Stoped");
return false;
LoscutLimit = (Account.Balance + Account.Margin) / StopedBalancePercent;
LoscutLimit = ToHalfAdjust(LoscutLimit, 2);
CalcRisktemp = ((lots / 10000 * Account.Leverage) / (Account.Balance + Account.Margin) / 100);
CalcRisktemp = ToHalfAdjust(CalcRisktemp, 2);
if (debug)
Print("LoscutLimit:" + LoscutLimit.ToString() + " OrderRiskPercent:" + CalcRisktemp.ToString());
if (LoscutLimit < CalcRisktemp)
Print("It's Not Enough Money Robot Stoped");
return false;
return true;
private int GetDynamicPipstep(int CountOfBars, int gradient)
int Result;
double HighestPrice = 0, LowestPrice = 0;
int StartBar = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 2 - CountOfBars;
int EndBar = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 2;
for (int i = StartBar; i < EndBar; i++)
if (HighestPrice == 0 && LowestPrice == 0)
HighestPrice = MarketSeries.High[i];
LowestPrice = MarketSeries.Low[i];
if (MarketSeries.High[i] > HighestPrice)
HighestPrice = MarketSeries.High[i];
if (MarketSeries.Low[i] < LowestPrice)
LowestPrice = MarketSeries.Low[i];
Result = (int)((HighestPrice - LowestPrice) / Symbol.TickSize / gradient);
return Result;
private double FindLastPrice(TradeType TypeOfTrade, string TradeLabel)
double LastPrice = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Count; i++)
position = Positions[i];
if (TypeOfTrade == TradeType.Buy && position.Label == TradeLabel)
if (position.TradeType == TypeOfTrade)
if (LastPrice == 0)
LastPrice = position.EntryPrice;
if (position.EntryPrice < LastPrice)
LastPrice = position.EntryPrice;
if (TypeOfTrade == TradeType.Sell && position.Label == TradeLabel)
if (position.TradeType == TypeOfTrade)
if (LastPrice == 0)
LastPrice = position.EntryPrice;
if (position.EntryPrice > LastPrice)
LastPrice = position.EntryPrice;
return LastPrice;
private int GetStdIlanSignal()
int Result = -1;
int LastBarIndex = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 2;
int PrevBarIndex = LastBarIndex - 1;
if (MarketSeries.Close[LastBarIndex] > MarketSeries.Open[LastBarIndex])
if (MarketSeries.Close[PrevBarIndex] > MarketSeries.Open[PrevBarIndex])
Result = 0;
if (MarketSeries.Close[LastBarIndex] < MarketSeries.Open[LastBarIndex])
if (MarketSeries.Close[PrevBarIndex] < MarketSeries.Open[PrevBarIndex])
Result = 1;
return Result;
private static double ToHalfAdjust(double dValue, int iDigits)
double dCoef = System.Math.Pow(10, iDigits);
return dValue > 0 ? System.Math.Floor((dValue * dCoef) + 0.5) / dCoef : System.Math.Ceiling((dValue * dCoef) - 0.5) / dCoef;
private void MakeTimeCheck()
int TempNewsTimeHour = 0;
int TempNewsTimeMin = 0;
int passday = 0;
int TempCalcHour = 0;
TimeCheck = true;
TempCalcHour = AutoCloseStartHour;
passday = 0;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempCalcHour, AutoCloseStartMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(passday);
// Optional AutoTrade Stop Time ---> All Position and Order Close(Fixed) Allways Friday
if (FridaySummary)
DayOfWeek dowclose;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
dowclose = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.DayOfWeek;
if (dowclose == DayOfWeek.Friday)
TodayFriday = true;
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(1);
if (AutoOpenStartHour >= 0 && AutoOpenStartHour <= 9)
AutoClosingTimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(1);
AutoClosingTimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone;
if (debug)
Print("@@@@AutoClosingTimeZone(Friday Night):" + AutoClosingTimeZone.ToString());
// Optional AutoTrade Open Time allways Monday
passday = 0;
TempCalcHour = AutoOpenStartHour;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempCalcHour, AutoOpenStartMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(passday);
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(1);
DayOfWeek dowopen;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
dowopen = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.DayOfWeek;
if (dowopen == DayOfWeek.Monday)
TodayMonday = true;
OnCurrentLocaltimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone.AddDays(1);
AutoOpenTimeZone = OnCurrentLocaltimeZone;
if (debug)
Print("@@@@AutoOpenTimeZone(Monday Morning):" + AutoOpenTimeZone.ToString());
if (TodayMonday)
if (AsStopBuyNum > 0 || AsStopSellNum > 0)
TempCalcHour = AsOrderOpenTimeHour;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempCalcHour, AsOrederOpenTimeMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder.AddDays(passday);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoPlaceOrderOpenTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneOpenOrder;
passday = 0;
TempCalcHour = AsOrderCloseTimeHour;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempCalcHour, AsOrederCloseTimeMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder.AddDays(passday);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoPlaceOrderCloseTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeZoneCloseOrder;
PlaceOrderOpen = true;
PlaceOrderClose = false;
OnCurrenttimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZone);
LastDaytimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZone);
if (OpNewsTimePositionClose)
passday = 0;
TempCalcHour = NewsTimeHour;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempCalcHour, NewsTimeMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder.AddDays(passday);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoNewsTimeCloseTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsCloseOrder;
TempNewsTimeHour = NewsTimeHour;
TempNewsTimeMin = NewsTimeMin;
if ((TempNewsTimeMin + 5) >= 60)
TempNewsTimeMin = (TempNewsTimeMin + 5) - 60;
if (TempNewsTimeHour == 23)
TempNewsTimeHour = 0;
TempNewsTimeHour = TempNewsTimeHour + 1;
TempNewsTimeMin = TempNewsTimeMin + 5;
passday = 0;
TempCalcHour = TempNewsTimeHour;
if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) > 24)
passday = 1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour - 24;
else if ((TempCalcHour + LocalTimeZone) < 0)
passday = -1;
TempCalcHour = TempCalcHour + 24;
var triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, TempNewsTimeHour, TempNewsTimeMin, 0);
if (passday != 0)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder.AddDays(passday);
if (triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder < DateTime.Now)
triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder.AddDays(1);
AutoNewsTimeOpenTimeZone = triggerTimeInLocalTimeNewsOpenOrder;
Joined on 18.11.2015
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Trust_Trader.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 4362
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
Warning! Running cBots downloaded from this section may lead to financial losses. Use them at your own risk.
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Dear Mr. Mori
I think this bot has "Local Time Zone" setting issue, could you please take a look at it when you have a time.
I can't start the bot. How to do?
how do you get this bot to place a trade>?